Abstract Submission Form
Sixteenth Annual Krueckeberg Doctoral Conference in Urban Studies, Urban Planning and Public Policy

Conference Date: Friday, April 5th, 2024
Host: Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Conference Format: In person at the Bloustein School

Description: The Krueckeberg Doctoral Conference is organized by doctoral students for doctoral students engaged in urban-, planning-, and policy-related research across disciplines and universities in the tri-state NJ-NY-PA metropolitan region. Doctoral students at any stage of their dissertation research are invited and encouraged to present at the conference. You can participate in the conference whether you are in your first year of studies and testing potential topics, you have just defended a finished dissertation, or at any stage of your research. Presentations can outline a tentative research topic, survey the literature, report interim findings, or provide an overview of a completed dissertation.

Deadline for Abstracts: 5pm Friday, March 8th
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Please tell us your University, School, and Name of the PhD Program you're in. For example: Rutgers-New Brunswick, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Planning and Public Policy. *
When do you anticipate completing your PhD?
Title of Paper/Presentation *
Abstract (max 250 words) *
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